Dad’s Pineapple Cake
When I was in my teens, my dad came home from work one day raving about a pineapple cake a coworker had brought to work that day. He later got the recipe, and made the cake for us. It was delicious and he began to make it regularly from then on, at least once a week. He really LOVED this cake. Soon, however, we had too much of a good thing and grew tired of it. He still enjoyed it, but didn’t make it as often after that. When I was in my early 20s, he passed away from cancer.
Whether it was because I had grown tired of this cake, or because it reminded me of him, I’ve not made it in probably 15 years, until this past weekend. And you know what? I really enjoyed it. It was so moist and delicious. I had forgotten how much I used to like it, and while it reminded me of my dad, it was a good memory. Dad had grown up during the depression, and used to talk to us about how they lived on soup, fatty cuts of meat, and sometimes nothing but bread and milk.So as an adult, he never took food for granted, especially dessert.
So this post is for my dad, who has probably been making this cake for everyone in heaven since 1992.

- 1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 2 large eggs
- 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple
- 1 cup coconut
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
Grease and flour a 13 X 9 inch pan.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cream together the butter and granulated sugar.
Add eggs
and vanilla
and mix well. Add flour,
baking powder, and salt.
Mix well. Batter will be really stiff. Add pineapple including juice.
Mix well. Pour into pan.
Mix coconut and brown sugar together and sprinkle evenly over the top.
Bake for 45 to 60 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
——–> UP NEXT: It’s time to plant vegetable seeds.
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Whoa! I hadn’t see a recipe that used the coconut and brown sugar on top of the cake. Looks really yum!
My dad died in 1992 as well and as spring comes and it’s time to plant the garden I always think of him.
I think I was working in the garden the day my dad died, and I remember I did a lot of work in the veggie garden that spring. Dirt therapy. 🙂
Wow, that sure does look good. Gonna have to try it. I used to make pineapple upside down cake quite often. Baked in an iron skillet and we all sure loved that. This looks just as good, especially with coconut and brown sugar. Two of my favorite flavors —– thanks for the recipe.
MMMM….your pineapple cake in an iron skillet sounds yummy!
Yet again another one of your recipes that I have printed for my file of recipes to try. It looks yummy. Thanks for making the printer friendly version available.
Such a great memory of your dad as well.
Thank you Gardener. Isn’t it funny how food triggers so many memories?
Just wondering how you manage to stay so skinny with all these great recipes and only you and Harland to eat ’em up!!! Looks yum!
Secret: I only kept several pieces back for Harland and me, and took the rest to work to share.
Old family favorites usually are the best! I’m looking forward to trying this one…thanks!
You’re welcome Alica, and thank you!
This sounds like something I will try. I made your hermit cookies and they were wonderful.Thank you for sharing the memory of your Dad. As long as he is remembered he will live on in your heart.
Absolutely Tina. And so he is always with me. 🙂
I love anything with pineapple, so I’m going to try this recipe; it sounds wonderful. Isn’t it interesting how certain things remind you of a person. My dad was a carpenter and boat builder. Anytime I smell freshly cut lumber or sawdust, I think of him. Your dad was right: food should never be taken for granted. Thanks for sharing.
Looks deeeee lioucous…..
I think the secret ingredient is the coconut…yummy!
Wow, looks very yummy! My sister is 7 years older than me & learned how to make pineapple uspside down cake in home ec so I used to beg her to make it for me for my birthday, but I have never seen it made with coconut before, yum! My dad also passed in the spring but in 1973 when I was 10. He used to bring me home a packet of batchelor buttons to plant so every time I see this flower I think of him. It’s a fond memory.
Awwww…..a girl never gets over losing her dad. Thanks for sharing your memory Patty.
Thanks for sharing this with us. I think I may try this tonight! Blessings to you.
And to you also Deborah!
Oh man, this looks really good!! I’ve got to try it! I have never made a pineapple cake before. My husband loves pineapple and he loves coconut…so how can I go wrong?! It was nice to hear about the memories of your Dad. That’s pretty neat that your Dad baked. I loved reading how he frequently baked the cake for all of you. Did he cook any meals??
The only thing I ever saw my father cook when I was growing up was bacon and eggs on Sunday…and that was once in a blue. However, now…my Mom doesn’t cook anymore..I think she is completely burnt out and says forget it! So now my Dad does all of the cooking and the baking. I just can’t believe it! It’s funny how things turn out! The great part is, when he needs a recipe..he calls me. I love it! It’s not often your parents ask you for advice! It’s usually the other way around. I really love it when he calls me to ask me why his chocolate chip cookies won’t flatten out when he bakes them. That’s how he likes them…and his get all puffy. He’s too funny! Now you’ve got me thinking about that “Dad” post that I was thinking about doing!! Ok, I’m gonna do it for sure! I will start working on it today!
Bonnie, that’s just like my dad was. When I was younger, he rarely cooked, but when he retired, my mom pretty much gave up cooking and my dad took over. He also took over the housecleaning as well. He was so bored and couldn’t keep still. It was funny.
O my, that looks like a little bit of heaven on a plate! I have everything needed. Believe that this will be on the dinner table tonight. Thanks, Suzanne
Oh wonderful Euni! Let me know how it turns out for you. Hope you enjoy it!
It’s now Sunday and I finally had a chance to bake your Dad’s cake. It was absolutely awesome. I too will be taking it to work as it’s only me at home and I don’t want to keep the temptation here. Can’t wait to share it. I know it will get raves (and I’ll be their favorite for the day)!
Great Louise! So glad you enjoyed this.
And it was a hit at work. I was indeed their favorite! And someone even washed the pan for me. Life is good!!!! Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome, and Thank you!
Can’t wait to try this recipe. Thank you! …and my Dad would share his homemade Pineapple Ice Cream with your Dad 🙂
Hi Linda,
A match made in heaven, so to speak. 🙂
really love your recipes. It is set up to actually see how to put it together. Good job. I always pass this blog on. I have a friend who has a blog, all organic farm in Washington State, with 1 autistic daughter. Snowy Pine ridges.
snowy Pines Ridge
This recipe looks amazing. I do not like pineapple upside down cake don’t get me wrong love pineapple and cake. But your or your dad’s recipe “oh my”, too hot right now to bake in the 90’s today and this weekend. As soon as cooler weather get here on my list to bake.
Thank you for the recipe.
This post is bittersweet. It made me smile, and it made me cry. Like you, my dad, a good Irishman who served in the Navy for 20 plus years, was a child of the depression. He died from pancreatic cancer when I was 13. He was such a good man, husband and father that we have kept his memory alive to our children and grandchildren.
As one of 11 children, and living through the depression, he never took shelter, food or clothing for granted. He taught us not to waste, and we adored Sunday mornings because those were the days he’d make his special pancakes.
Thank you for the memories. God bless. The day I bake this cake, I will remember you, your family, and especially, your father.