Ready For Spring

Spring is a season, a time when life renews itself, wakes up from its winter slumber ready to face another year. But spring can also be a state of mind – a time for new beginnings.

Lately, I’ve not been myself. Kinda out of sorts. Not anything big, I’m just in a slump. And I’m ready for spring.

I need a change – a new outlook. I want to be a better person. To love more, worry less, and accept the world for what it is- faulted, myself included. And I’m going to take better care of me – not be so hard on myself as I can sometimes be.

The other day after work I was on my way out of Wallyworld with an armload of groceries ( I have this insane theory that a person can get out of a store faster if they don’t use a cart – Ha!), when I passed by the flowers. And I thought to myself, why not? Do you know I don’t think I’ve ever bought flowers for myself in my life? How silly of me not to take advantage of an opportunity to brighten up my world with lovely scented blooms. So I grabbed a bunch of orange tulips and brought them home. They’ve been cheering us up at our dinner table for the last few days.


And when they fade, I’m going to buy some more. Because I’m ready for spring, for it’s cheery blooms, and for a better me.


How about you?  What are you needing in your life this spring?



Cattle, corn, wheat, beans, mud, snow, ice, and drought. Plenty of fresh air and quiet. Our life is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous, but never boring.

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15 Responses

  1. evelyn says:

    flowers are a good start! winter gets to us all; thankfully, I live in an area where the sun shines more than snow and gloom occurs! Have you had your vitamin D checked? Sometimes the lack of enough creates an out of sorts feeling. However, buying flowers every week may take care of the problem! LOL

  2. Vivian says:

    Such pretty flowers! I am ready to see some green. It’s been such an ugly winter where I live – not even a pretty snow – just rain and gray skies.

  3. Alica says:

    When I think of spring I think of signs of new life. Awakening. Fresh colors and smells. I could use all of those about now!

  4. Jeanne says:

    I like your idea of buying flowers and tulips are so cheerful! Even though we live in western Oregon, where lawns are green all winter, I’m still ready for some flowers!! The daffodils are coming up, the crocuses and primroses are blooming….but….I still need MORE!!! We have had lots of rain, not much snow, lot’s of cloudy skies, not much sun. Oh! Am I whining? Oops! Sorry! But I know spring is just around the corner!

  5. JB says:

    I need sunshine on my back while I’m digging in the dirt! Winter is a long season for me. Buying flowers for yourself… of your best ideas yet!!

  6. Suzanne M. says:

    Oh, the glory of living in south Louisiana is the Spring comes sooner than in most places. Flowers are blooming and things are beginning to turn a beautiful shade of green here now. No snow for us. Of course, check back with me when we are in the middle of our 6 months or more of humid and horribly hot weather and I’ll be like you right now waiting for spring, but I will be waiting for the cool air of late Autumn and early winter.

    • Suzanne says:

      In a perfect world, I would like to spend winter in your part of the world. A couple years ago we headed down to Natchez in December. When we left it was bitterly cold and brown, and in LA and MS it was in the 60s and everything was green. I’ve thought of Natchez often since that trip and would like to visit again – in the winter of course.

  7. Tina says:

    I live in the desert Southwest and out trees have just started to pop and the bulbs are all coming up this week. I was so happy when I saw them. I am sorry to mention this because so many of you are being slammed with snow. But when it gets over 110-115 degrees for weeks and my power bill is over $200.00 you can make fun of me. Suzanne I just had a routine blood test done and guess what? They told me I was low on vitamin D3. So I bought some and I am taking them everyday and trying to stand in the sun a little bit!

    • Suzanne says:

      I don’t envy you heat like that. I prefer cold over heat if given the choice. In the winter you can put more clothing on, but in the summer, you can only take off so much clothing, without getting arrested, I mean. 😉

  8. Tina says:

    P.S. I also think I will go buy some flowers. I have never bought flowers for myself either. It would be fun and make me happy.

  9. Chester's Mom says:

    I love winter, the gray skies and gloomy days, but the last 2 days my best dog and I have spent time in the garden raking up leaves and getting ready to plant! A snow and ice storm is headed this way on Wednesday but hey, it’s March, the snow will melt quickly.

  10. Sometimes you just gotta have a splash of color to remind yo of what’s coming, one of these days. So, buy some more flowers, girl!!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    OMG Yes! I am beyond ready for Spring!

  12. Dear folks on the prairie,

    I used to live on a farm in the middle of the prairie in South Dakota.
    Your beautiful page brings back such wonderful memories, and I thank you with all of my heart.
    Have a peaceful Easter.

    Heike Freiwald

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