Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, And Cucumbers
Planted in early April, the Peaches and Cream sweet corn is tassling,
and making ears.
The pollen from the tassles falls down onto the silks of the growing ears and pollenates them, making nice full ears. And since corn is attractive to racoons, we put up an electric fence to keep them out of the garden.
A solar powered wonder, it says NO to marauding, theiving racoons with a capital N. What a wonderful feeling. Ahh…..we can sleep soundly at night. We’ll have fresh sweet corn in a few weeks.
Also we are getting the first tomatoes from our garden. Transplanted back in April, they have grown by leaps and bounds and have made a ton of green tomatoes, and recently some of them finally ripened.
Here’s the Grape tomatoes,
and here’s the Celebrity.
Oh the joy!
The Bush Crop cucumbers planted in May, have made a lot of baby cukes,
and recently some of them ripened too.
So, now we have cukes and maters every day. Fresh produce from the garden- surely the 8th wonder of the world.
How does your garden grow?
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Yum!!! Tomatoes and cucumbers are best from the garden. Mine aren’t ready yet. Good luck on the corn. Those coons are sneaky!
Hi Gardener,
Thank you, we’ve had good luck with the fence in the past. Good luck with your veggies too!
Take care,
That looks so delicious. I can hardly wait to start getting those tomatoes from my garden. My nephew is planning on putting the electric wire around the sweet corn tomorrow. I think there might have already been a visitor or two.
Hi Teresa,
Racoons are awful when it comes to corn. They pull the shucks down and eat the corn off the cob, but they don’t finish- they just move on to the next cob, and the next. Terrible table manners.
Electric fence is the only way I’ve ever seen to prevent the thieves from moving in.
Take care, and Happy Gardening!
Your tomatoes are so good looking. It must be really juicy and succulent. Oh your cucumber looks like has lots of flesh than seed. I am sure your cuke and mater salad is going to be super crunchy and appertising
Hi Stephanie,
Wish I could share the veggies with all of you. We have some to spare, so I’ve been taking them to work.
Thanks for visiting,
I am mesmerized by the veggies you grow! Are they organically produced?
Hi Shailaja,
We don’t use any chemical fertilizers, and we put a load of manure on the garden every fall and turn it in. And it’s been a good garden year – not too hot, not too dry.
Take care,
Yes! I agree, fresh garden veggies…the 8th wonder of the world! There is nothing better! My favorite thing is eating a tomato that is still warm from the sun! Seriously the BEST! So how does my garden grow? Well, my lettuce is out of control, my carrots are flourishing so beautifully, I am going to pull one today to see if they are ready. I checked them a week or so ago and still a little small. My tomato plants have green tomatoes that just started to appear about a week ago. None of my tomatoes have turned red yet, but I haven’t been out to look at them yet today, so maybe I might find a little suprise waiting for me!
Hi Bonnie,
Wow, you garden is coming along. We didn’t do carrots this year – we just don’t care for them that much, and we didn’t have room.
Happy Gardening,
Lord have mercy…nothing like yours:( Yours looks amazing. Mine had a really rough start because we had such cold weather. Looks like its finally starting to take off though…still a long way till I get a mater… Yumm your cucumbers and tomatoes are gorgeous…great photos
Thank you!
We finally have some fruits a growing!
oh, here, in southern Iowa and northern Missouri, we are wet. We are setting rain records. Not that we want to. We would rather be normal. Cukes and corn and tomatoes are struggling. Some rotted off. Corn had to be replanted and maters are getting blight. Sob . . . gasp. There may be no sweet corn at the farmers market this year.
Hi Nance,
We’ve been getting a little too much rain here too. Some of our cucumbers have been rotting on the vine- sad. But I don’t want a drought either.
We don’t have raccoons, but need an electric fence to keep out the wallabies and possums. They just take a bite or two and move on to the next thing too!! It’s dark now and my husband is just going out to see if he can shoot some possums as they are eating my avocados, lemons and grain from the chicken’s self feeder. He got 6 last night!!
Oh my, 6 possums. We have those here too, but not that many at a time. I just hate it when animals take just a bite and move on. Terrible table manners.
Thanks for stopping by!
no, no drought. I always say, better too much rain than not enough.
Hi Nance,
Sounds like a good adage to me!