Geographic Center Of The U.S.
Last Friday evening found Harland and me at the Geographic Center of the United States, the first stop on our north central Kansas road trip.
The center is marked by a stone monument with a plaque detailing the exact coordinates of the center of the lower 48 states as determined by a government geographic survey.
The monument is topped by an American flag,
and is located in a small park and surrounded by fields and a pasture of bored looking cows. There is also a small chapel in the park.
One can sit in the chapel and contemplate the wonder of being in the exact center of the US – or not. Seems the exact center is located about a half mile away on private farmland. The owner wasn’t interested in an endless stream of tourists tracking through his farm, so the center was located on the nearest available land.
In spite of the fact that this isn’t the exact center and there isn’t much to do, people find their way here to take pictures in front of the monument, walk around the quiet park, or just gaze out over the fields.
We stayed until twilight, and then took off down the road to the nearest town containing a motel.
The next morning, we were up at 5am to take sunrise pics at the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie near Red Cloud, Nebraska. Stop by tomorrow for a tour of the prairie.
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Cool! The center of the U.S. I never even thought about that. Very interesting!! The guy that owns the land where the exact center is…pretty neat! Can you imagine? Also, that little chapel…how cute is that!! I love the little seats just big enough for one person. Did you sit in one of those? I’m sure you did. I wonder if there have been any sermons preached in there?
Hi Bonnie,
Yes, I did sit for a minute in the chapel- it was very small and quiet.
Thanks for visiting!
Suzanne, Do you and your husband geocache? Geocaching is like a treasure hunt using a hand held GPS and coordinates that are listed on We’ve to many of the places that you’ve been to on your blog while finding geocaches! I have a geocaching blog that tells of some of our adventures!
I loved your pictures, it reminded me of our trip to the same area last summer. Have a great day!
Hi Jen,
We’ve never geoched, but somehow we manange to keep the road hot anyway.
Thank you!
Love the picture of the flag!
Thank You!
I love the last picture and the little chapel. I have really never thought that the center of USA was established. This is really cool!
~Lee Ann
Hi Lee Ann,
Thank you much, glad you stopped by!
Did you feel more centered as you neared the spot? Or did you think, “man, I’m a long ways from the ocean?” just wondering. Thanks for the tour.
Hi Gardener,
I was thinking, “Isn’t it ironic that the center of everything should be so quiet?” That, and “wish there was a bathroom here”.
“Lebanon has souvenirs.” Love it.
And that flag photo is extra special!
Hi Robin,
Thank you!
I love this place. The town of Lebanon had its own interesting aspects, too. Great photos, Suzanne.
Hi Cheryl,
Somehow I’ve not made it to Lebanon yet, but will have to the next time we are out that way.
Thanks for visitin’
You have made me do a quick research about how far away I was from the central point of my own country (India)…. whew, I’m nearly a thousand miles away! I don’t know if I’ll ever get there. I did visit the southern most point of the country once but that claim doesn’t hold anymore as the geography has changed after a tsunami struck the place in December 2004!
Hi Shailaja,
Yours is a beautiful country, so colorful. I would love to visit there someday.
Loved the pictures!! Can’t wait to see the next 195!! Have a great steamy-hot day!
Hi Melanie,
Thank you, you too!
I love your photos and stories. Keep them comin’
Hi Renee,
Thank you! Will do!