Sparks, Kansas Antique and Collectibles Flea Market

Up in the northeast corner of Kansas is a tiny town by the name of Sparks, population: 9.  To say it is a quiet little town would be an understatement. But twice each year, in the spring and fall, Sparks hosts their semi-annual flea market, attracting 75,000 visitors to browse the wares of 500 vendors, 450 of which sell antiques.

This past weekend, I attended the flea market for the first time. Started in 1982, the market now attracts visitors from as far away as Texas. I also noticed license plates from Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. I spent a couple hours wandering around looking over literally acres of vendor’s booths.

There was a little bit of everything. From cast iron cookware

to quilts,

from crockery

to pedal cars,

from trunks

to a really tacky coat hook.

I loved all the glassware

and dinner service.

I love the pale green color of these cups.

These teacups and saucers are so pretty.

Check out these old canning jars. I think these would have been the ones where wax seals were used. I can’t imagine canning with these.

There was such a variety of goodies, from wagon wheels

to crocheted doilies,

glass cookware and serving pieces

to this adorable birdcage.

Does your taste run toward brass

or silver?

Remodeling your bathroom and need a vintage sink?

Or are you going really retro, and looking for a washbowl and pitcher?

Some shoppers left with armloads of items, some with truckloads. This lady went home with her cross-buck saw and gambrel (used for butchering large animals).

Do you like to go to flea markets? If so, what types of items do you look for?

For more information on the Sparks Antique and Collectibles Flea Market, you may to go to their website here.


—–> Up next: Come along on the combine to bring in the corn harvest.


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Cattle, corn, wheat, beans, mud, snow, ice, and drought. Plenty of fresh air and quiet. Our life is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous, but never boring.

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50 Responses

  1. Glenda says:

    If you think it’s worth it I will try to schedule a visit when this event is held next year. Wow! what a lot of things to see! So what did YOU come home with?

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Glenda,
      Amazingly I didn’t buy a thing. I’m determined to clean up the clutter at home, and am trying not to bring any more clutter home. 🙂

  2. ellada says:

    I love flea markets, I could stay all day.
    I love everything with wood and old glassware.

  3. Lee Ann L. says:

    I love genuine flea markets. I haven’t been to one in ages. There aren’t many held down here in this part of Texas.

    I should clarify, there aren’t many “true” flea markets held here. Most are what I call junk market calling themselves flea markets – selling cheap junky stuff made by China, Mexico and the like.

    By the way, I am loving those quilts!

  4. I haven’t been to a flea market in a long time although I do occasionally browse some local antique stores which have similar items. And, garage sales once in a while. I’m not a collector hunting for that rare find but I’m starting to look for usable items that are of good quality like flatware and dishes. It’s almost the only way to get the made in the USA stuff anymore. I enjoyed the photos of the dishes you took the most. And, the quilts.

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Gardener,
      Very true about finding good quality items. Whenever I want furniture for instance, I go to an antique store. Furniture was better made years ago. and with solid wood too.
      Thanks for your visit.

  5. Glyndalyn says:

    I love flea markets. I like looking at it all.

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Glyndalyn,
      I loved looking too. I was tempted to buy a few things, but didn’t – I didn’t really need them.

  6. I just love flea markets. I love the quilts and since I sew I try to look for fabric and vintage sheets and things that I can use or dismantle to make something else wonderful.

    I also love red transferware and porcelain enamel pieces.

    • Suzanne says:

      Love it that you have the talent to take old and make new again. I’ve never quilted, but would like to someday.

  7. Julie says:

    So many neat things at that flea market! But could you imagine having to hang your coat on that coat rack??
    I love the trunks! So much character.

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Julie,
      Don’t you wish the trunks could talk about the places they’ve been? The hat/coat rack was pretty gross though. Ick.

  8. Sharon says:

    I think the coat rack is actually a hat rack. Weird things people do! I was on sensory overload just looking at your pics. Love the little cars! I am trying to declutter so walking the tables would have caused me to shake.

  9. Liz says:

    What a fun trip! It would have been hard to leave the pale green dishes and pitcher there…. Thanks for sharing all the photos!

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Liz,
      The pale green dishes were hard for me to overlook too. But I’m determined to declutter our house, so I can’t add to the clutter right now.

  10. Julie says:

    Nice! Good thing I don’t live close-by! I haven’t been to many flea markets–the ones I went to were more like yard sales and not very good ones. Guess I’ll keep searching. Love old stuff from way back when, especially the wagon wheels and glassware.

  11. Shailaja says:

    I enjoyed my pictorial stroll through the flea market. I have never visited a flea market and I have a thing about using “other people’s” things! I wonder what the cross-buck saw and the gambrel will be used for! Pieces of art? They seem to be past their prime to be functional anymore. You have a keen eye for the odd subject!

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Shailaja,
      I suspect the lady was going to use the saw and gambrel for decoration. Odd though about the gambrel.
      Thanks for your visit.

  12. Allisyn says:

    Hello there.. I am jumping over from the Pioneer Woman’s blog… and I would give anything to have been able to go to the flee market. I have already bookmarked your blog to continue to read and enjoy your pictures.

  13. Liz says:

    Well if you have any pale green dishes to declutter or old bowls just let me know. By the way how many acres of land do you have? You farm looks amazing, love the photos of the cows!

  14. Doe of Mi. says:

    Oh my goodness! My heart was palpatating over your pics today. I haven’t been to a good flea market like that one
    for a very long time. Don’t dare – like you to much clutter
    as it is. Surely would have brought home some of those pink
    dishes and a couple of crocks if I’d been there. AND would
    have done it like I really really need them. LOLOL

  15. Annie says:

    Looks like an overwhelming, cluttered-up heaven to me! thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  16. Melanie says:

    I’m a flea market junkie!! Love ’em! I love antiques and enjoy decorating with them! In fact, I have a girl’s date next Sunday in Wichita, where they have one monthly at the Coliseum–Can’t wait to see what I can find!! Unlike you though, I seldom come home empty handed! I especially love to see all that cool old stuff and ponder about who used it and how!! Intriguing to say the least!

  17. GinMT says:

    Oooh, makes me want to drive down for next May’s event! When I lived back east, friends and I used to drive up to Lancaster, PA to the Adamstown antique markets in the fall. Your photos made me long for one of those trips.


    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Glendus,
      The same weekend, there is another flea market up the road about 10 miles in a town by the name of White Cloud. So you could visit both.

  18. Suzanne, I would have had a lot of fun looking at all of that stuff. Those quilts would have really caught my eye! It’s been years since I went to a flea market. I do go to thrift stores when I get the chance, and of course yard sales here and there. I’m a kitchen person, so I am always looking at the serving stuff, dishes, utensils…stuff like that.

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Bonnie,
      You need to take a trip out here sometime. Every antique store has tons of kitchen stuff. All those farm wives from years ago must have had their kitchens full of every gadget available.

  19. Julie says:

    I love flea maerkets. used to go all the time with my mom to what we call the Monday Sale, here in Hanford, CA. Lots of different stuff. That one you went to looks amazing. Did you buy anything?

  20. shelljo says:

    Gee, that flea market just might be worth driving across the state for! The cast iron and depression glass would have been my downfall…and the crocks.

    DH made one of those deer leg gun racks. For a friend…it’s NOT in MY house! It was a kit, and it specifically said it was for rifles, but still…it’s NOT in my house!

  21. Elaine Snively says:

    This looks like my kind of fun!

  22. Michelle says:

    Now THAT’S my idea of the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

    Lee Ann L. I’m from SE Texas about 80 mi. north of Houston, and have the same problem you have with junky flea markets.
    That’s why I love hitting the Trade Days in Canton, Round Top & Livingston Texas.

    I enjoyed your photos of the Frio river, I’ve floated down the river through Garner many a time. We just love our Frio river vacation with the family every year.

  23. Lee Ann L. says:

    @Michelle, I used to live in North Houston! I’ve gone to the Trade days once eons ago at Livingston when my folks had a house of the lake. Now, that was a blast.

    We have moved to the San Antonio area two years ago and we’re still exploring this area.

    Thank you on the photos of the Frio river. When we camped with family, we would often get the vehicles situated and float either above or below the Dam. But, since it was just us, we went through Garner area. It was ok and I only had to walk once due to my big yellow boat. Poor Dan had to walk several times.

    @Suzanne, soory for hijacking your thread. 🙂

  24. Michelle says:

    Lee Ann, I’m sorry I just saw your comment, I’ve been having internet problems. 🙁

    Suzanne you’re so sweet to let us chat 🙂

    My son’s neighbor just gave him several jars of muscadine grape jelly, he passed one on to me and it was delicious on my English muffins this morning.
    Next year I hope to pick enough from my sons mustang grape vines to make jelly. I grew up eating the mustang grape jelly Mom always made with the grapes growing wild on our land.

  25. PJ says:

    Any old houses for sale in sparks or white cloud?


  26. I really enjoyed looking at the pictures of your flea market. If possible I would like to attend. I have a driving problem I don’t see too well. I am 79 years old this month. Best of luck with your operation.

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