Yaquina Bay Lighthouse
Every time Harland and I travel, we almost always find someplace old to tour. Whether it’s an old church or house, or in the case of our trip to Oregon last year, a lighthouse.
We both love history, antiques, and learning about old places and the people who lived there. This lighthouse was built in 1871, but was operational as a lighthouse only until 1874, when it was decided that this was not a very good location for a lighthouse. It is the only existing lighthouse in Oregon with the living quarters attached to the lighthouse itself, which must have been nice for the light-keeper on cold winter nights. Today it is open for tours. Harland and I wandered from room to room, and as usual, I admired the simplicity of the furniture, and the small size and number of rooms.
I sometimes wish my house was as uncluttered and simple, and I think about the time when people lived there.
Their lives were not interrupted by cellphones, beepers, or emails. There was no sound of TVs, video games, or other electronic noises.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the conveniences we have today, I just sometimes long for a time when it was quieter, slower, more tranquil.
I’m a weirdo in that I actually enjoy power outages in the winter. I like lighting candles, and curling up near the fireplace in the dark.
In our noisy hurried age, sometimes it’s nice to turn everything off and just to listen to the quiet.
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I’ve never seen a lighthouse in person. Gorgeous pictures. I am fan of history and historical items as well. I always wanted to live at Pennsbury Manor when I was a kid.
Hi Sarah Lynn,
Lighthouses are great fun to tour, and most of them are old so that makes it more fun. Do visit the ones in your area if you can.
I looked at Pennsbury Manor from your link. Looks like a fascinating place to visit. Thank you for sharing.
Wow! That lighthouse is cool! I’ve been to a few; but, this one looks awesome!
Hi Lee Ann,
The ones where the lighthouse was attached to the keepers house I think is rare as there was always a danger of fire when the lighthouse was fueled with oil. Not a problem today as it is electric, but then there’s not need for a keeper today either.
Those pictures are amazing! I love lighthouses, but have only visited a couple.
Hi Teresa,
There’s something really special about lighthouses. Love to visit them when we get the chance. But there’s not too many of them in our landlocked part of the country is there?
Wouldn’t know how to act w/o my clutter -lol.
Seeing that pump over the sink reminds me of when I was five and believe me I remember this – thats what was in the kitchen of the farmhouse of the farm my Dad bought in 1945. And we had wood burners in the kitchen and livingrm. And salamanders in the michigan basement (dirt). Aw yes, the good ole’ days.
Hi Doe,
Oh wow. But I’ll bet you didn’t mind at the time. Thank you for sharing.
I wear a hearing aid and I can tell you, it is nice to take it out at night and not have to listen to the buzzing of electric items in my home. We are all so accustom to hearing it all that we forget to try and listen to the buzz of a bee or the rain on the roof. Things I never heard until I bought my first aid almost 10 years ago. The pictures as always bring joy to my day. Thanks for sharing places I will probably never get to see.
Hi Lisa,
Isn’t it amazing how some people’s homes are never quiet? How the tv or radio is left on regardless of whether anyone is watching or not? I love hearing the rain on the roof.
Oh wow that is so neat, To bad that it was only operational for such a short time, nice that they have it open for visitors.
Hi Aletha,
Must have been hard for the keeper and his family to only be there for 3 years and then have to move on. It’s a beautiful spot, and they must have been sad to move on.
I love old things also, but modern stuff sure helps with the work load…then again I think I could live back in those days because everything seemed so simple.
Hi Linda,
I don’t think I would like to live back then, but I would sure like to visit for a while just to see what it was really like.
I can totally relate to longing for slower, quieter times. I grew up in the boonies of Alaska and survived a childhood without cable tv, video games, cell phones,etc When I married my husband he was an Alaska State Trooper and we had to do what was called “bush duty” – we lived in an eskimo village and had to mail order our groceries and considered it a big night to enjoy a card game with the nearest neighbors. Fast forward twenty years and we now live in Nashville, Tennessee and our lives are full of ringing cell phones, beeping text messages, Tivo, four televisions in one house (??), desk computers and laptops, and every other gadget known to mankind. Like you, I love a good power outage where the house is so quiet that you can hear the tick of a clock. I do miss simpler times and a simpler life. I could chuck my cell phone tomorrow and not miss it – but I don’t think I could give up high speed internet, Amazon, and UPS. Ha ha!
Hi Nancy,
It must have been quite a shock when you moved from Alaska. I’m like you though – I would sure miss the internet and cellphones.
That is so lovely. I love light houses. I love the simplity of it all to. Makes life so much simpler when there is less stuff to complicate and keep up with….I also love lights out and cuddling by the fireplace….
Hi Julie,
I like how you put it – “less stuff”. My goal in life is to live with less stuff.
I thought I recognized that name… the lighthouse is beautiful. I can’t believe it is practically in my backyard and I have never gone to visit. Thanks for peaking my curiosity. I am looking forward to seeing it for myself:)
Hi Heather,
Do go see it. They were remodeling the outside when we were there, but they should be done by now.
I agree….sometimes turning things off is a great idea. Modern Family TV show had an episode recently about this…it was very funny.
Hi Julie,
We don’t have cable or dish or anything. We just have Netflix(no plug intended), and love it. What we want to watch when we want to and no commercials, and a quieter house.
I love Yaquina Bay. It was the very first light house I ever saw (and also the first time I ever saw an ocean in person). I have fond memories of the light house, though my brother was very spooked by the ghost story associated with the house.
Hi Maegan,
Oh I didn’t realize there was a ghost story. I’ll have to look that one up.
Came across this I do not know if you and your husband would ever want to do this.
Hi Aletha,
Thank you for the link. That would be really neat. And the price is great too. Would love to do that if we get down that way.
Suzanne, this reminds me so much of a lighthouse we toured while in Oregon. I really don’t remember the name of it or where it was, but it was just like this. I agree with what you say about simpler times. The more you have, the more you have to take care of….and dust! I love listening the “the quiet” too! It rests my soul!
Hi Bonnie,
I tell Harland I would never want a large house because then I would have more space to clean. Ugh.