Fall Color
We haven’t had much color where we live out on the prairie this fall. It’s a hit and miss thing in this part of the country. But in the neighboring towns, there are maple trees everywhere, and they are reliably pretty every year.
All summer long, leaves use the sun to make sugar, which is then stored and used through the winter. While producing sugar, the leaves are green. Leaf color change in the fall is triggered by day length. As the days grow shorter and there is less daylight, the leaves stop producing sugar, and the green color fades. Remaining sugar in the leaves turns red and orange in the sunlight. Other leaf colors like yellow, are present year round, but aren’t visible until the green color fades.
Love the decorative detail of this old Victorian home, and it’s especially pretty framed in bright color.
Do you live in an area where you can enjoy fall color, and if so how is it looking this year?
——–>Up Next Tomorrow: A visit to the little waterfall below the hill.
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Gorgeous please send some of this color to PA! It’s only just starting and I can’t wait to get some photos with my new camera.
Hi Sarah Lynn,
The leaves falling means winter is coming. Blah.
It’s kinda finishing here.
It’s also beautiful here in our mountain, the fall is full of colours.
Great pictures, bravo.
Thank you Ellada.
The trees are at their peak this week – according to me…;)
I have to get out there and get some pix with weekend.
Beautiful pix, I love the shadowing…
Hi Julie,
Thank you. The trees here are just getting past their peak. Will be sorry to see them fall and then blah winter will come.
Our colors down here don’t seem to be that vibrant at all–even the maples. I noticed though that the maples up nearer to you all last weekend were really turning–especially the Bradford pear trees and the burning bushes–WOW!! Supposed to get our first freeze of the season tonight
Hi Melanie,
Maybe it’s not been cool enough there yet. I think cooler weather is needed for the leaves to really change.
Beautiful pictures! I have a lot of oak trees here that tend to just turn brown. I do have a couple of colorful trees though–maple and hickory.
Hi Teresa,
I’ll bet your maples and hickory are really looking nice now.
Your photos remind me of my visit, Suzanne! I’ll look back at them as the trees become bare and be glad I got to see them at their finest!
Hi Glenda,
So enjoyed your visit, and glad the trees had turned enough for you to see them in their fall “clothing”.
I love your photos! Job well done!
Thank you Linda!
We don’t have this beautiful foliage down here in Texas. Therefore, I love seeing other peoples turning leaves. Your photos are great. Have a great fall day.
Thank you Sandra. Glad to bring you some fall color.
I wasn’t dissappointed! The colors are beautiful! And NO, it is still in the upper 80’s or 90’s here in Florida. We go from green to brown, when the first cold hits and kills all the green!
Hi Lisa,
Oh dear. Well I’m glad I can bring you some fall foliage then.
Thank you for stopping by.
Ooooh, your photos are so pretty! I do love the color of Fall leaves…I am genuinely impressed every year too! I am amazed at how vivid and brilliant the colors are. Of course Fall in Pennsylvania is absolutely gorgeous. There are deciduous trees EVERYWHERE! Such a gorgeous time of year!
Hi Bonnie,
Your fall pics just blow me away. Can’t get over all the color you have there. I’m so jealous of all those maples in Pennsylvania.
Beautiful color, what a great season this is turning out to be. I was worried it might go by too quickly, but you have caught it perfectly.
Hi MarieElizabeth,
The season here has lasted longer than usual. We haven’t had a lot of wind here which is nice for a change.
I’m just now catching up on some of your previous blogs, but when I got to this one it stopped me in my tracks! My goodness, those are beautiful colors. Something tells me quite a few of those pics were taken in Hiawatha, the City of Beautiful Maples, and my hometown.:)
Yes Louise, all of them were taken in Hiawatha! The ice storm back in 2007 really hit them hard, but they are planting more.
BTW, a few days ago I bought some maple syrup made locally from the sap of those maples. Haven’t tried it yet, but am really looking forward to it. I can put you in touch with the guy who makes and sells it if you like.