Ewes and Lambs
I was passing by our neighbor’s sheep the other day, so I stopped to take a few quick pics to share. The recently sheared ewes look a little sorry for themselves, but I could see that their wool has already started growing back in. The lambs are 3-4 weeks old now and growing like little weeds.
They run around like racehorses.
This one looks like a triple crown winner to me.
The love the color and markings on this one. His wool looks so silky on his legs. Here, he was calling his mama, who was no more than a couple feet away. They do that a lot.
I’d like to get a video of them playing together. All the hopping, head butting, and running. Stay tuned.
——> UP NEXT : Sandhill Cranes on their annual spring migration.
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So cute!
Did you ever try to catch one of them? We had an interesting experience one time…long story…but suffice it to say, “those little guys are QUICK!”
I wouldn’t even want to try.
They are so cute. They are also just like kids…they call you when you are standing right there. Enjoy spring is starting to pop!
Little lambs are so cute. I was on a farm years ago where I was able to pet some. I’ve never forgotten it.
They R so cute. The ones with the black markings R the most striking. Awesome time of year.
So cute. Thanks for sharing. I really need to ride out in the country and see if I can find some baby animals to photograph…!
The second photo is absolutely adorable!!! I just have to give that little guy a hug!!!
HA..I think they look like old people…wrinkled…saggy….cute.
It’s amazing how quickly they grow! It’s much fun watching those babies.
Love your blog/website. Check out my friends website in Newport Wash. Snowy Pines Ridge. She just getting started. I told her to check yours out to learn more. I made the bread and biscuits. Biscuits were fab!! So was wheat bread. Because I grind my own wheat its better. Thank you.
Thank you Carol. So glad you enjoyed the recipes. I checked out your friend’s blog, http://www.snowypinesridge.com/ It’s a great read and I saved it in my favorites. Thanks!