Some Photography Tips
I love horses. When I was a kid, my sisters and I pretended we were horses “trotting” around the house on our hands and knees. When I was in my 20s, I owned a horse for a few years and spent hours brushing and talking to her. Today, I still love horses and when I see them, I just have to stop everything and stare.
I think they are one of the most beautiful animals and especially love to see them in action: trotting or running. A few weeks ago when we were visiting Fort Robinson State Park in northwest Nebraska, we were walking back to our car after stopping at the visitor center when we saw a man driving a team of horses down the road heading our direction.
I had my camera with me and so took a few shots of them as they approached a crossroads and stopped for traffic.
I saw that they were coming our way, so I moved to the edge of the road and crouched down as low as I could.
For a more intriguing angle, sometimes it’s better to get down low (lay on the ground if you can) or high (Harland carries a ladder around in his truck, or sometimes we even stand on top of the truck.) I try to get as close as possible to the action without getting in the way or run over.
The closeness to the subject and the low angle near the horses legs gives the viewer a feeling of inclusion in the scene.
Another tip: take a lot of shots. Years ago, when I was using film, I didn’t take as many pictures. The cost of film and developing was a limiting factor. But with digital, there is no limit.
Often, I’ll take 10, 20, or even 100 shots of one thing.
I’ve included all the shots I took of the horse team in this post. If I had taken only 1 or 2, I would have missed some good ones. The more shots you take, the better chance you’ll have of getting some really great ones. If card space or computer memory are limited, delete the bad ones later to free up more space.
So get out there and take tons of pictures. Use different angles, and make your pictures come alive.
Class dismissed.
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Thanks, what a great series of shots, you indeed create a feeling of being right there tasting the dust thrown up by their hooves.
Thanks Lynda.
Thanks for another great post, great subject, great tips and another great place to put on list of things to see and do!
You’re welcome Laura. We would like to go back there someday too. Time constraints made for a short visit that time.
Loved the pictures! I, too, enjoy horses; however, it did look a little strange without a wagon or something behind them. The man just didn’t do the trick, lol!
I think he was just taking them to a nearby arena where there was a horse show. They were probably going to be hitched to a wagon.
Oh what beautiful horses! Thank you for the photography tip! It is always a good thing to read tips and advice.
So, let me tell you about me and horses. I too think they are a beautiful animal. But…I am afraid of them. I am intimidated by them. I know that they say that animals can sense fear, so I really try to fake like I am not afraid when I am around horses. Silly huh. I have rode horses before..I think twice. And it takes a lot of guts. I’m sure I would get over my fear if I were around them more. You probably wonder what it is that I’m afraid of. Well, I am afraid they will kick me and or throw me off and that would hurt. And I am afraid they will bite me. Ok now you know my fears.
While I love them , I too have a little fear of them. Not interested in riding them for fear of falling off, but do love looking at them.
Great shots and great tips. Digital is wonderful just for that reason!
Thanks Teresa. I love your photography on your site as well, especially your nature pics.
Love the photos of the horses. Thanks for sharing. Great tips too, by the way. I got some good shots of horses at the rodeo last month. My favorite shots were when the wild horses were let loose to go to other side and into the “chute” which takes them out of the arena. None of them would go in for about 5-10 minutes. Had to get a couple extra cowboys out there to help corner them and out they went. But it was fun to watch them run. They are so pretty!
Rodeos are so fun to photograph. So much going on.
I loved these pictures. Horses are beautiful animals. I feel the same way about digital cameras. When I used film I was frugal with my shots. Now I just take and take and then edit out the bad ones. Thanks for the tips, too. I’m going to try getting different angles.
Thanks Kathy. Don’t you just love not having to be frugal anymore today with digital? Best thing to ever happen to photography I think.
You sure took me back alot of years with the pictures of the horse team. My dad always kept a team of horses (sometimes more than one team.) He used them in the garden, hay field and just for fun with the wagon. I can’t remember a time growing up that we didn’t keep horses. One of my favorite pictures I have is myself and two sisters, all three of us on a black work horse. I think we were 5 years old and under. He also kept ponies and riding horses, from plugs to registered. We were like a bunch of wild indians growing up.
My husband and I still keep horses. He likes mules better for working.
My dad has been gone now two years, but everytime I take a ride, I think about him and smile.
Your pictures are really good, I felt I was right there with you. Thanks for the photo tips.
Your childhood with horses sounds like so much fun. You’re probably more relaxed around them than some people you know?
I know just the feeling you mention, seeing horses and having to stop and watch them. They are such wonderful creatures. Those picture tips are great and I love how you do feel a part of them!
Thanks Tracey!