The Gift
Harland and I spent Christmas day with my family back in Missouri. We stayed the night there, and we were back home the following day. We hadn’t opened our gifts to each other on Christmas eve, so Monday afternoon we sat down to open them. We had only given each other one gift each as about a month ago, we bought a water softener and figured that should be our Christmas gift to each other due to the cost. (By the way I’m in love with the water softener and go down into the basement regularly to give it a hug.)
Anyway, back to the gift opening: Harland opened his first. I had given him a DVD boxed set, a new release called Catholicism, which is a history of the Catholic church, but also a great history of the origins of Christianity. Anywho, when he opened his gift he was excited, but also looked somewhat sheepish. He told me to open mine, which I did, and discovered it was also a DVD, and in fact was theEXACT SAME DVD boxed set called Catholicism! He had bought it about a month ago, while I bought it a week before Christmas (ok, so I’m a procrastinator). We had heard about the dvd before, and had thought it might be interesting to watch, but we hadn’t talked about buying it. Just one of those things you think about in passing.
So we’re both amazed and puzzled as to how we ended up buying each other the exact same gift. Funny thing is, I had wrapped mine first and placed it under the tree, and when Harland put his under the tree, I remember the thought popping into my head, “I wonder if it’s the same thing?” even though we used different size boxes. But then I thought, “The chances of us giving each other the same gift are too great, can’t be……ridiculous”.
Well, I guess the chances were greater than I thought.
We’ve watched the first few episodes of the set, and are learning much about our faith. We initially thought we’d return the extra copy of the DVD, but then we decided to loan it around to family and friends.
One of our best friends likes to say “There are no coincidences, only God-incidences”.
These words ring very true here.
——–> UP NEXT: I finally found/created a good multigrain bread recipe to share with you!
You could always chalk it up to the old saying, “Great minds think alike.”
I guess this means you two are truly a match made in Heaven!
Made me laugh out loud Suzanne! Kinda fun to know you two are getting to be so much in sync! And yes, there was a Plan there to share what you’d given each other.
Love you guys and Happy New Year!
A funny and nice memory to keep. Happy New Year!
A truly sweet story. I hope you share some of what you learn as you view your new series. Happy New Year to you, Harland, and Kitty!
I was going to say…and then saw that Tom said the same thing above…but I’ll say it anyway! Great minds think alike!
Hope you have a Happy New Year!
Suzanne, I just had to respond to this. Although the gifts Steve and I gave each other 44 years ago weren’t quite as altruistic, we each gave the other the same gift too. It was our first Christmas after we started dating, before we were married the following August. I was too embarrassed to bring his gift in for him to open in front of his whole famiy, so I had left it out in the car. When I opened his gift to me – a Troll Doll (you may need to google this, it was quite a fad thing in 1967), I began laughing and went out to his car and brought in my gift to him – a Troll Doll. I had completely forgotten about that Christmas until now. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
This makes for a memorable Christmas, not to mention and educational one! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Well, that seals the deal. You two were meant for each other! Happy New Year to all.