Volland One-Room School

Well, I have a mystery for you today. I took these pictures of this one-room school back in June on one of our trips through the Flint Hills, but didn’t share them with you then because I wanted to find some information about the school first.

It’s was an uphill battle because there is no sign anywhere on the property indicating the name of the school, dates of operation, history, etc. I’m calling the Volland One Room School because the nearest town was named Volland.

Well, despite a couple hours researching online, here’s all I’ve managed to find:

  • It’s located in Wabaunsee county on Old K10 Road, south of Alma and north of Alta Vista.
  • It’s just southwest of the ghost town of Volland.
  • Carved in a stone above the front door it says, “District #26” (possibly 126) and has  date of “1906”
  • There’s no listing on the National Register of Historic Places, which is odd considering how much work has been done to restore it. Most every one-room school we’ve ever seen is on the register.

If you know anything about this school, or know anyone who might know anything, please let me know. Thanks!

For a map showing the exact location of the school, click HERE.



Cattle, corn, wheat, beans, mud, snow, ice, and drought. Plenty of fresh air and quiet. Our life is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous, but never boring.

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21 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    How nice it is! Hopefully someone will be able to give you some info.

  2. Alica says:

    I like that first picture, with the flag reflecting in the window! As I continued reading, the name ALMA stuck out to me. My aunt and uncle used to live near there…his family raises beef cattle in that area.

  3. What a beautiful schoolhouse! I love the shiny wooden floor and ceiling! Also, the wood stove in the back is awesome. I just want to sit in one of those desks. I love places like this!

  4. Alica says:

    It’s me again..I’ve sent her the link to your blog, to see if she’s familiar with it!

  5. Tina says:

    What a pretty little school and so well loved and taken care of. I hope you find the information you need.

  6. Kathy says:

    What a great schoolhouse. I hope you find the information about it. I would love to know more. It is so well preserved that someone must know something about it.

  7. Alica says:

    I just heard back from my aunt. She says she knows EXACTLY where this is…about 20 miles from where they used to live. One of her employees at her sweet shop used to live in Volland. She doesn’t know any details about the school, but says that the Wabaunsee County Historical Museum in Alma would likely have info on it.

  8. Alica says:

    Sent you an email with a link to an article about the guy whos family owns most of the land in that area…let me know if you get it! 🙂

    • Suzanne says:

      Thank you so much Alica! I got your email, and will contact Mr. Schultz tomorrow. Looks like his family has been in the area for 139 years, so surely he will know something about the schoolhouse. Thanks again!

  9. Melanie says:

    Love the photos. .I would certainly say a lot of work has gone into restoring it!! You guys always find the most interesting places to visit!!!

  10. Louise S says:

    Wow, the interior of that school looks very much like the one-room schoolhouse, Victory Dist. #37, that my siblings and I attended in Brown County back in the 50’s. Sure takes me back! I, too, love the photo with the flag reflection in the window. 🙂 Hope you find the history you’re looking for, Suzanne.

  11. Jemm says:

    I know the people that live in the house to southwest of the school house on the map…they may even own it.

  12. Jemm says:

    Ha! I see if I would have read the other comments you already are pointed in the right direction 🙂

  13. Robert Jones says:

    That school house is owned by Rich and Deb Lind. You can reach them at lindd@wamego.net. I’ve drawn and pen and ink sketch of the building if you are interested.

  14. Janet Wertzberger says:

    The Volland Schoolhouse is the private property of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lind of Wamego, KS. Mrs. Lind was raised in Volland. Her father and his brother had been students in this school. His name is Keith Schultz, Alma.
    Richard restored this school with many hours and years of tedious effort and personal expense. Both he and his wife are deeply dedicated to preserving the Schultz family histories and the life lived in this schoolhouse.

    • Suzanne says:

      Thank you Janet. They did an excellent job restoring it and it’s clear they continue to take care of it very well. Just a wonderful place.

  15. Joey Bolz says:

    Today while riding the Skyline drive between Alta Vista and Alma my girl friend Jan and I stopped at the Volland School house. Mr Lind happened up to do some mowing and gave us the tour. His wife’s father was in some of the pictures of the shool kids. The bell was taken from another old school that had burnt down up around Wamego. He said although donated the bell cost 300.00 to repair. This man and his wife have restored this place pretty accurate. Some of the desks are original. Said that he had briefly investigated public funding and the national register but had come to the conclusion it involved way to much bureaucractic bs.
    Also he said that a string quartet from the KC symphony had performed there and one local teacher brings her students there on field trips. Looks like it has been a labor of love. Flipped him a twenty and thanked him for doing such a wonderful job. Wish I could have given more.
    Joey Bolz

  16. Angela says:

    Thought you might like this. Seems there is alot of interest in this place. Would be cool if they opened it for tourism. I found this schoolhouse on another website. http://www.weather.com/travel/news/abandoned-america-20141024

  17. Carolyn Welsh says:

    I attended 1st grade in this schoolhouse. This was in 191954. Looks just the same.

  18. Derek S says:

    Fellow Kansan here. I stumbled across this page and then went down a rabbit hole looking at Wabaunsee County school districts. I found a Wabaunsee map that shows the location of all 63 schools that were present in 1882 (per the copyright date).


    There map also shows thumbnail images of all 63 buildings at that time.

    Also on the Wabaunsee County Museum site, there’s a nice writeup of Wabaunsee County Schools. At it’s peak, Wabaunsee had 91 schools and districts before consolidation started happening.


    You mentioned that the carved stone over the door said Dist 26 and that does jive with the location I found on the map. What doesn’t quite match up is the date. The building date showed 1906. I’m wondering if perhaps this building was not rebuilt or updated after the initial build. The thumbnail drawing of the school on the 1882 map shows a similar structure but has only three windows along the side.

    At any rate, this looks like a nice limestone structure that has been well preserved! I’m hoping to make a trek from Kansas City to Wabaunsee to see this in person. And now I’m wondering how many of the other old school sites have any standing remnants.

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