Yesterday morning it was hot and muggy. The wind was unsettled and the clouds restless. We knew we were in for it.
In the late afternoon it clouded over, and a nasty red storm popped up on the radar to the west of us. The National Weather Service reported hail, hard rain, and a tornado. I headed for home before it hit.
Harland was gone by the time I arrived. As a volunteer fireman, he’s also is a storm spotter. So he had driven towards the location of the reported tornado.
It was raining hard, but I got the groceries in and hurriedly put the car into the garage. Then I busied myself making supper and catching up on housework. Kitty was extra whiney and disturbed by the wind and rain, so I talked to her and held her some. It poured down off and on all evening. We have a weather radio which came on every few minutes with warnings: tornado, heavy thunderstorm, baseball sized hail. I listened and watched out the windows. We had turned off our computers and unplugged them, so I checked the weather radar frequently on my phone. I made supper and ate. Kitty had her milk. Then I caught up on folding laundry – 2 weeks worth – Yikes!
Most of the severe weather went south of us. Harland finally got home and had supper, and then we headed out to check out the damage. Water was up everywhere:

Water flowing from a neighbor field across the road from our house

wet weather creek north of our house

Flood gate in a pasture we rent

Pony Creek a few miles from home

A neighbor’s field with water standing.

Creek just north of our house

Water flowing across the road just south of our house

neighbor’s field just across the road from our house
We got 2-3 inches of rain total. This morning Harland was out early to check flood gates at the pasture. If a flood gate is washed out during heavy rains, the cows can get out.
We were very fortunate to avoid the worst of the storms. Communities to the west of us received 6-8 inches of rain, baseball-sized hail, and a tornado that ruined businesses and homes. Click HERE to see the damage.
Amazing how quickly weather patterns can change: We’ve received as much rain in the last couple days as we received ALL last summer.
And more is forecast for today, Thursday, and Friday.
How did you stay busy while a storm was going on? I can’t concentrate on anything when that is going on! I am so sorry for the folks who lost their home and out buildings. Just so glad they are not hurt. I was watching Fox last evening when a storm chaser in an armored vehicle called in with a report just outside of Salina KS. He was pretty excited (scared?) about his unit registering 175 mph winds. Very glad for your safety. I’m hoping the rains diminish so there is not flooded roads to skirt near Hwy 36 in a couple of weeks.
I had shoes on ready to go to basement if need be. But I have to keep busy otherwise I’d get all nervous. And I couldn’t take the piles of clean laundry that needed to be folded anymore. 🙂
So glad you weathered the storms in your area without a lot of damage. We are in Osage Co – just south of Topeka and we were in a watch last night also. I kept hoping for some major rain in our area but so far, we remain in a dry pocket. Even Topeka has had nice rains that have missed us. I think we get a few more shots at it this week but the tornados can stay away.
Sorry to hear you are in a dry spot. Would send rain your way if we could. Every day that goes by is another day closer to rain 🙂
Glad to hear you’re ok out there! The weather has been so severe this year so far!
Thanks Alica. So different from last year. Like being in a different country.
Yeah, the weather in the plains/midwest has been nuts the past week. We’re visiting in the Des Moines and Omaha area, and we’re constantly watching the weather, especially since we’re in the RV. We keep a bag ready for overnight just in case we have to bunk with family or frients! Actually, we had to leave our campground on the Raccoon River two nights early because of anticipated flooding. And, my brother tells me that its very dry at home. Go figure.
Stay safe!
Glad you’re safe and didn’t suffer damages. We’ve had over 12 inches in the last week, and there are more storms with heavy rain in the forecast for tonight and through Friday. It’s crazy going from extreme drought to floods.
Don’t you wish you could have had some of this rain last year??
I read about he Tornado & watched the weather channel to keep up on it.
I kept wondering if you would get caught in it. I’m very relieved you got through all safe & sound.
Years ago when I was a child, there was a Tornado in MI close to where we lived. It was so scary & I still remember all the rain & wind.
Very scary. I’ve been thru 2 tornadoes – terrifying.
So glad you’re safe! Tornadoes are terrifying for sure, even though I’ve never seen one. We’ll be praying that you don’t get too much rain now! We’re actually getting a little here – almost have our average for May! Could use more, but we’re thankful!
So glad you and the family (Kitty,the cows and Harland of course) are safe! I’m in the Pacific Northwest and we have had so-o-o much rain, can’t imagine BIG hail and huge winds along with it. Take care 🙂
Sure brings clarity to the expression “Feast or Famine”!!!
Hi Suzanne…loving your blog. I like the preview I get of a farming lifestyle. Some of your entries though can be a little more detailed. Just as we get hooked to the entry, it ends. Please look at writing more.
Doesn’t a good read leave something to the imagination? How about how Gone With The Wind Ends?
Thanks Zricha
I sometimes agree with Zricha, but you make a good point! I do enjoy all of your writings, and look for a new one every day!
God Bless you and keep you and yours safe. No rain here in Lexington. Maybe Saturday. When we moved here(5.6 years ago) we very seldom had tornados. When the sirens started to go off right in our neighborhood we had no idea what they were. To me they sounded like air raid warnings. We finally got educated on that. But the weather here is quite remarkable. Sunny and breezy one minute then the later in the day the humidity goes way up and a front moves in black, black and then the wind and hail and rain. I should mention we are originally from Buffalo, NY where snow is about all we get.
I am very grateful for your website. I enjoy it all, especially the pictures of your area. Just so beautiful. I’ll pray for you all during this stormy season.
Welcome to the midwest and its unpredictable weather. What you describe about how a day can start out sunny and humid and end up stormy with flaming hail and frogs falling out of the sky is a midwest thing. You really have to keep an eye on the weather here. If you don’t have a weather radio, I recommend getting one.
Thanks Lorraine,and I’ll pray for you during this stormy time of year too!
I’ve been thinking of all of you out there. I grew up in Kansas and still remember that feeling in the air before a tornado watch/warning is issued. Stay low and tell Kitty not to wander too far from the basement.
Will do, thanks Lainie!
Still do not have a weather radio but I am thinking it is something we should invest in. Builds tore down an old farm house not more than a mile from our older(70’s) subdivision. The hardest thing to remove was the storm shelter. They eventually had to literally blow it up!!! There must have been a tornado there at one point to build something like that.
Before the bull dozers came in, my husband and I went over and dug up all the plants that were established. I look at them now and think of the woman who originally planted them and hope she is smiling.
What’s great about a weather radio is that it automatically comes on when there is any weather in your area that is dangerous. It give you an advance “heads up”.
I’m sure the flower’s owners are smiling down on you for rescuing all their lovlies.