Perfect Contentment
A week and a half ago, Kitty had only hisses and growls for our new kitten, Muffin.
Fast-forward to yesterday evening:
Muffin had a busy day yesterday. Harland took him to the vet for his first shots, and he did very well, except for the traveling back and forth – Harland said he cried the whole way.
In other news, Muffin’s sister and brother were adopted yesterday by a young family of four including a one and four year old. I suspect both the kittens and the kids will keep each other on their toes as they all grow up together. We’re very glad that the kittens were able to stay together and find a wonderful home.
With his siblings gone, Muffin moved out of the garage and into the house for good yesterday. He spent all day with Kitty (except for the vet visit), and last night was his first night with us. He didn’t get much sleep – we heard lots of playing, and sometime in the night he decided he needed some lovin’ from us. So he found us in bed, and then proceeded to purr, knead our hair and faces, and nibble on us – for about an HOUR. Desperate to get some sleep, I finally got up and carried him in to Kitty where she was curled up resting in her office chair. I handed him to her and asked if she could keep him occupied. She promptly began to give him another good cleaning.
She thinks he’s a really messy young boy and it’s become her job to tidy him up. Harland and I were able to sleep through the rest of the night in peace.
And we noticed this morning that Muffin has never looked so fluffy and clean.
The perfect ending to a stray story! So glad that Kitty has decided to love him!
I LOVE IT….I’m still giggling! Great video. I see Kitty is cleaning for two now….lol…!
Extra hairballs! Good to know Kitty takes her job seriously! Muffin sounds like a cuddle bug.I am enjoying following their story. Have a great day! Merry Christmas Suzanne and Harland!
Florida hug,
So good to hear a lovely successful adoption story at this special time of year!
Awww that’s so sweet! Love the kitties!
How sweet is this story? Kitty needed somebody to love and Muffin needed a mom. Sounds like a Christmas Miracle, Suzanne! Thanks for the updates, I love this post!
I’m SO happy it is all working out!
Muffin sounds like such a little sweetie. So happy that he and Kitty are getting along, I know you were so worried that Kitty would not accept him. I think it’s great that Kitty now has a companion and Muffin has a big sister! Looking forward to reading many stories about them. Very happy to hear that his siblings were adopted too. That family is going to have so much fun with two kittens. Merry Christmas to you, Harland and the kitties!
This story really warms my heart. And to see Kitty loving and caring for little Muffin is just so amazing. I really do think they needed each other!
My heart is bursting. My Christmas is now complete.
Awwwwwwwwwww… adorable. You knew it was gonna happen, though, didn’t you? Maybe Kitty has adopted him as her kid and now she’s gotta keep him shined up and in line.
It’s obvious this is just what Kitty needed. She now has a purpose in life!!!
Love it!
How very cute. Kitty now has a job! She can teach him everything she knows. Very good ending to a nice story.
How adorable!
LOL! Kitty is going to lick that poor baby bald! This has been such a great story!
That is so adorable and amazing!!! So glad the other 2 kittens were able to stay together too.
A merry Christmas story!
too cute for words! Just watch Kitty for the hairballs. My cat is Persian and every so often she leaves a surprise in the middle of the floor; how they can get that much hair in their tummies is beyond me! Really sweet Christmas story; take care.
So sweet. I always look forward to your posts.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
What a sweet story! I’m so happy for you and for the kitties – all of them!! It has all worked out so very well for each of the three little orphans!
You haven’t mentioned what Harland thinks of Muffin’s shenanigans….?!!
Muffin is really going to make some changes in your household, but they’ll be for the better, I’m sure!
Thanks Jeanne! Harland loves all cats so he’s getting a kick out of Mr. Furrypants and his hijinks. He’s got Kitty twisted around his little toe, (she is even sharing her food with him!), and we are now regularly ambushed when walking thru the house. He’s also so loving and can’t get enough holding or petting.
Oh my god, that is the sweetest love story I have ever seen!
What a good boy! He even lets her clean his ears. He looks like the “little prince”.
This whole story has been just perfect. I’m especially glad the other two got to stay together, and it’s pure pleasure to see how these two have adapted to one another. Merry Christmas to you all — hard to believe it’s only a week away.
I just love this story!!
That is one of the sweetest videos I’ve ever seen. I am SO tempted to get our Sundae a kitten to keep her company!
And I predict a hairball in Kitty’s future!
a really big long white hair furball. Poor Kitty.
Woah, Muffin already looks almost as big as Kitty! Is Kitty just a little cat (or is it perspective), or is Muffin just going to be one giant boy? Or both?
Part of it is perspective, and Kitty is big for a pussycat, but Muffin is growing like a weed, and we think he’s going to be bigger than her.