Muffin In The Trash
Lately, Muffin has decided that a trashcan is a perfect spot to hide and plan his next attack:
Silly boy!
I’ll be back soon with an update ( a happy one!) about how Donald is doing.
Lately, Muffin has decided that a trashcan is a perfect spot to hide and plan his next attack:
Silly boy!
I’ll be back soon with an update ( a happy one!) about how Donald is doing.
What a luck find, this delightful kitty boy. And yes, we are anxiously awaiting good news about Donald. 🙂 <3
Wow a motorized trash can only one in the whole countr i bet .
Yes i too am wanting to know how Donal is doing
Cute video! Does this mean you have to keep the trash can empty of….trash??
So happy to hear that Donald is doing well and looking forward to the update!
Oh so cute!! – When my mini Schnauzer wants to get into the waste basket, she eats the tissues!! Not a good thing! At least Muffin isn’t doing that!
Such a wonderfully loud purr!
What a cutie pie!
Wow what a purr! Love Muffin, Such a sweetie, maybe not in the trash but still sweet. My cat knocks over the small trash cans in the bathroom all the time. We have a battle of wills, not sure who’s winning!!