Winter Storm Warning
Like much of the Midwest, for the last few days we’ve been watching the forecast closely.
Will it hit us? How much snow/ice will we get? Wind speed? Drifting? Power outages?
Here’s the latest as of Sunday morning according to the National Weather Service:
I like the block of red. Adds some cheerful color to the gloom and doom forecast.
Here are the gory details:
“a mix of freezing rain, sleet and snow” Sounds like a biblical plague of some sort. About the only thing not falling out of the sky will be flaming toads.
We’re not enthused about the ice. We’d rather have all snow. Ice can cause power outages. We have generators to cover the house and farm, but it’s a hassle. If we get the 5 inches of snow + the 40 mph wind, that could make some serious drifts.
We stocked up on milk and such at the grocery store yesterday, and Harland’s been doing storm prep at the farm. I drove in some fence posts near my young dogwood trees we planted along the drive last spring so Harland will know where they are and not run over them when plowing the drive.
The wind blew hard here all night and is still at it right now(Sunday morning), 30 mph out of the north, and howling around the house. (On a cheerful note – the furnace is not running as much as it used to before the remodel, and it’s not anywhere near as drafty as it was before. We’re snug and toasty.)
Kitty has been storm prepping:
So has Muffy:
So we’ll see what we get out of this.
Here it comes:
Stay warm all.
These are all reasons why we farm! And why we don’t feel the need to go to Las Vegas. At least we are not lambing any longer!
Stay safe! Love the flaming toads comment.
Very true. I have no interest in gambling. None. We “gamble” every day.
LOL on the flaming toads! Well it’s not too warm here in Vegas either, we,ve had wind gusts from the North 40-50 MPH all yesterday and it was 39 degrees at 9;30a.m. when I went out. That is way too cold for me. No thanks, you can keep your snow and ice! It blew what was left of the leaves off the trees and the patio cushions. We can deal with 110-115 any day. My cat is laying on the floor vents, heater hog! Hope you all will be safe. Take care!
Thank goodness the kitties are prepared!
You guys definitely have that “pioneer grit.”
Do your cats know when a storm is coming?
Our Lucy was a good storm predictor. She hated them. She would growl and hide.
You guys take care!
Oh my, that sounds like a formidable forecast! We dread the ice, wind and bitter temps. So far, though, we’ve had the warmest December on record. It’s been short sleeve weather, and has been raining off and on for a week. Mud. Stay safe! I’m glad to hear your house is toastier now that the remodel is finished!
Sounds like you guys are wise, experienced farmers. All the long hours and hard work of the remodel are paying off in dollars and personal satisfaction. We greatly dislike the ice too. We are currently buried in snow and it is 11 degrees. We go everywhere in 4 wheel drive! Loved your flaming toads. We could use a few of them right now!!!
Well it sounds like you’re all ready for it! Be sure to let us know if you see any of those flaming toads!! But maybe the weather bureau would broadcast it!
Thank goodness you have kitty and muffin to help you and Harland with all the storm prep
Oh, gosh. The front rolled through here last night. Yesterday morning it was 74, and this morning it was 41. So there you are. We do have a better chance of flaming toads than snow or ice, so there’s that. Up in the Panhandle, it’s a different story. They’ve had what’s headed for you.
I hope you do get your snow and no ice. It’s ice that does us in, especially falling tree limbs that take out power. But I’m really glad to hear that the house is performing the way you’d hoped. Warmer and cozier always is good.
It is blowing and snowing in southwest Iowa- no ice so we are thankful for that- my husband hayed all day yesterday and the boys have their snow shovels ready to scoop bunks. My 8 yr old son is excited to use his new Christmas innertube in the snow so we have that to be thankful about :).
I get happy and over excited whenever I get an email that there is a new post on my favorite blog!.!.!
Florida hugs,