Kitty – From Nose To Toes
Today we’re doing a comprehensive study of Kitty. Pay attention as there will be a test at the end. Those who score well will earn college credit. Here we go.
We’ll start at Kitty’s nose tip.
Notice it doesn’t have any hair on it. Also, notice it has both black and brown on it, the same colors of her fur. Her nose is always cold, and usually a little damp. Kinda shocking when she sniffs my bare ankle.
Next, we’ll move on to her eyes.
Notice how large they are, even for a cat, and are a pretty pale yellow.
Her enormous eyes were one of her first features we noticed when we got her.
On the side of Kitty’s face, she has a little stripe running away from the corner of her eye.
I like to tease her by telling her she has overdone her eyeliner. After all, she’s not from ancient Egypt.
Next, we’ll move on to her ears. You may have noticed earlier that she doesn’t have sharply pointed ears like other cats.
Well, a couple of winters ago, she went outside one particularly cold day for some fresh air, something she did often back then with never a problem. Well, she was out a little too long, and got frostbite on her ears. They puffed up and turned red, and we were afraid for a time that she was going to lose a good part of her ears. Luckily though, only the cartilage at the very tip was affected, leaving her with saggy ear tips.
We feel very guilty about this happening, but fortunately, Kitty doesn’t hold a grudge.
Next, we’ll move on to Kitty’s front feet, which are are typical cat paws – all soft and round.
They can softly knead her pillow before she lays upon it, or, with claws extended, catch a bird or vole.
Her back feet are connected to legs that with a little spring action, she can jump straight up into the air about 4 feet, or roughly 5 times her own height.
Can you do that? Sadly, neither can we. Imagine how easy it would be to clean out your gutters if you could simply jump on and off your roof. Imagine how impressed your neighbors would be too.
Finally, we come to Kitty’s backside.
From this angle, when she walks away from us, we think she looks like she’s wearing pants that are too small and too tight. Sound funny? Watch your own cat as it walks away from you. See how they keep their back legs close together? See? Pants too tight.
Anyway, Kitty’s finally had enough time outdoors in our tropical heat today, so we come back inside.
There, she lays flat against the linoleum floor to cool off .
Oh, and here’s Kitty’s latest cute stunt. She recently started bringing her little paws up to her chin when she wants something, like she’s begging.
Not sure why she started doing this as we didn’t teach her and she’s never done it before. But it sure is cute.
And so ends Kitty Class for today. As for the test, aw shucks, you were all attentive, so everybody gets an A today.
Class dismissed.
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cute post! we have 4 new kittens….I think I’ll study them a bit more closely tonight thanks to your post.
Love kittens. All our kittens are from barn cats and are wild. I never get any where near them.
being the mom to 6, (yes 6) felines makes me appreciate your writing and pic so much.
OH wow, 6? Outside or inside?
Hmmm – I’ll have to watch for those tight pants. My Sammy likes to lay on the linoleum that way too. Your Kitty is sooooo cute. I’d love to hug her. She always looks like she’s really listening to you.
It’s an act. She looks like she’s listening, but actually she’s plotting her next move to take over the world.
Kitty is so cute! Feline eyes are some of the prettiest eyes after human eyes.
That laying-down-begging pose: just like a dog!
Yes, like a dog. And she’s a cat. Go figure.
She is too cute! I need to try to do something like this some day with my own cats.
By the way, I once had a male (neutered) cat that insisted on being an outside cat. He got into a fight and we didn’t see the injury inside his ear until it started to get all bent out of shape. He had developed an abscess on his ear. He had to have surgery to lance it. He didn’t lose his ear; but, it was permanently lopsided. We thought he’d learn his lesson and stop getting into fights; but, nope. He never did quit. He lived a long life for an outside cat — 16 years. He was rotten to the core; but, he was mine.
Wow, a very typical tomcat. Out to take on the rest of the Tomcat population.
Hi, Have enjoyed your cat Kitty after I had lost my Lady almost 1 year ago, but this past June I got another cat, he is from the Definance Rescue Center in Definance Ohio and he has already had quite a story to tell, they had to amputate his back left leg from and accident, but he is doing fine, he is faster running than walking, and I just love his sweet attitude.His name is Zander, Thanks for allowing us part of your life with Kitty being so well taken care of. Lord bless. Mary D. Michigan
So glad you have a new friend in Zander. Good to hear you go him from a shelter too. So many animals in shelters just waiting for good homes.
That was an awesome class! I am glad I enrolled! I love how her pupils are like slits. Love the coloring on her nose! You had me laughing about jumping up to clean the gutters! I always love your sense of humor!! It is much like mine! I totally like how she lays on the linoleum to get cool. I have done this myself a time or two. You know what it reminds me of? When I’m at the grocery store..I’ve just come in from sweltering heat’s so nice and cold in the store..and as I’m shopping..sometimes I slip one of my feet out of my flip flop and put it on the ice cold floor. Is that bad??? ha ha!! It’s awesome! It feels so good!! Try it some time! LOL
I may have to do that soon. I have to go to the store after work here in a while, and we have a heat index today of 110 degrees F.
Thanks for Kitty 101! I was chuckling as I read this! Kitty is so pretty and interesting too! I always love your posts on kitty! She is such a lucky cat to have found you two, and vice versa!
I sure don’t understand people who don’t like cats!
Maybe they just haven’t been owned by a cat. You can’t help but love them – so much personality.
I have two cats and love them to pieces. My Siamese has quite the attitude but he is my baby and follows me like a dog. Cats are just so smart. I have told many people that if you do not like cats then you have just never been owned by one. Miss Kitty is a keeper and I love to see her posts so keep them coming!
Very true Tina. Once you are owned by a cat, you’ll always love them.
Our cat Pancho has mitten paws on every one of them. We got him from the Humane Society 3 1/2 yrs. ago. Our first ever cat and such a doll.
He sounds like a wonderful addition. And so much the better for your having rescued him. What a wonderful gift to rescue an animal.
cute, cute meow meow.
loved this! my cat walks with her back feet turned out; i never thought about the tight pants but i think ballerina whenever i see her walk away from me. or else, she is knock-kneed! lol
Yes, that’s it, they look knock-kneed!
I chuckled when I read about Kitty sniffing your toes. Our dogs have taken to licking me whenever they walk by me. Just a quick “slurp,” and they’re gone. It seems to be a submissive thing, but it drives me NUTS. And, at least Kitty begs. Our inside cat DEMANDS.
LOL. Depends on Kitty’s mood. Sometimes she demands and sometimes she begs. Of course the begging is a lot cuter.
Kitty certainly is cute!
She practices “cute” every morning in the mirror.
Nice pictures, especially the yellow eyes.
And her eyes look extra big to me. I thought when she was younger she might grow into them, but never seems to have done so.
I love your Kitty posts. Her position with paws “begging” looks just like our dog when he wants us to rub his belly.
And I find myself rubbing her belly when she does the begging pose, but I don’t think that’s what she wants. I think she’s wanting food. She would eat 24/7 if we let her.